Re: [xml] prerelease of 2.2.5

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From: Wayne Davison (
Date: Sat Oct 07 2000 - 17:44:42 EDT

On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, Timothee Besset wrote:
> so, no correlation with the -mno_cygwin option when compiling something
> with cygwin [and mingw]?

There's certainly some overlap and some historical derivation between the
two. As I understand it, the problem with doing a -mno-cygwin compilation
under cygwin is that you have to have created a new set of compiler spec
files to ensure that you don't intermingle some of the cygwin stuff with
the basic MSWindows runtime stuff. For instance, there's no getopt
available in MSVCRT, but if you configure something under cygwin (even
with the -mno-cygwin option), the configure script will find the getopt.h
header file and you'll probably end up with some kind of compilation
problems. Combine that with the fact that the dll-building tools don't
understand -mno-cygwin (and thus need some other weird tricks to build non-
cygwin DLLs), and I just decided I'd build things like libxml in their own
mingw-only environment. If you have a good way to work around these sorts
of problems, please let me know.


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