This slidemaker tool generates HTML slides with the regular W3C presentations
It is a small PERL script that runs on Windows or UNIX
It uses standard styles sheets that you can override with your own
It adds all navigation buttons to your presentation and also a button to
cycle through different CSS files
Download the software in your prefered format (,
Unzip the archive to your local disk in C:\ for example
C:\Talks\Tools contains the script and the CSS files
C:\Talks\Icons contains the navigation buttons
C:\Talks\YYYY\ contains a presentation example
Note: if you are working online in you
don't need to install the tool
How to use the tool
Copy the template directory C:/Talks/YYYY/, for example C:/Talks/1998/MyTalk/
Edit the file all.htm that will contain the text of your
presentation. Each <h1>..</h1> delimits a slide
Edit the parameter file infos.txt
Type make in your C:/Talks/1998/MyTalk/
When working in, from any browser, open,slideme
Check the warning messages and fix your all.htm if necessary
Your presentation starting point is C:/Talks/1998/MyTalk/overview.htm
The parameter file infos.txt
talkTitle: title of the talk
author: name of the author
authorUrl: link on the author's name, can be left blank
logoFile: the name of the logo at the bottom of the slides
cssStandardFiles: list of standard CSS files used for the presentation
cssUserFiles: list of your own CSS files to overload the standard
all paths in these parameters should be relative, all parameters have default
when using Slideme, infos.txt will be built for you
Hints for using the tool
To see what the standard style looks like, check this
test document test.htm
If you need to overload the standard style, use cssUserFiles to
point to your own CSS files in C:/Talks/1998/MyTalk/
You could also add a CSS file to cssStandardFiles that would be
used for printing
You can use <div class=comment>my_comment</div> to put speaker
comments in your all.htm. Theses comments will not appear in the
slides. Example, you don't see the next line but check the source all.htm
Hints for giving your presentation
Use a CSS capable browser
Don't the use scrollbar, leave your mouse pointer around the navigation
buttons and use page-up, page-down if you need to scroll through the slide
Use the "Change size button". It cycles through the different standard
styles sheets, so you can zoom/unzoom.
You can print your all.htm to read all your presentation on one
page and also the comments that does not appear in the slides
How to put your slides on the web
To put your slides under
Append ,slideme to your talk in a browser,slideme
Copy the template directory /afs/ in
/afs/ for example
Put your own all.htm and infos.txt (and also your additional
CSS files and image files)
Build your slides and update the Talks/Overview.html page
To put your slides elsewhere
Remember to copy C:/Talks/Tools/, C:/Talks/Icons/ along with your
Changes Log
To upgrade your tool, just unzip the new archive in the same directory,
it will overwrite the relevant files. Please send comments, requests to
change the standard style sheets file to
9612: version 1.0
9704: version 1.1
fixed a bug in <h1>foo</h1> detection
added variable LOGO in the makefile. Use this to change the logo in your
slides, for instance for WWW6 use ../Icons/www6.gif. By default
it is the regular W3C logo, ../Icons/w3c_home.gif
added variable STYLE_SHEET in the makefile. Use this if you need a customized
style sheet. Copy the default ../Tools/w3ctalk.css in your new talk
directory and customize that one only. Then link it to your talk using
that variable.
wrote a test document test.htm
9706: version 2.0
The script has been rewritten in PERL, there are no more bugs in the <h1>*</h1>
Added checking for ALT in <IMG> tags
Added 3 css files for 640, 800, 1024 pixels width displays
moved parameters from make.bat and Makefile to the common
file infos.txt
9711: version 2.1
Added the "Change size" button
Added the cssUserFiles parameter
Added the <div class=comment>blabla</div> functionality
Rewrote the documentation
9804: version 2.2
Anchors removed from slide links
9805: version 3.0
Add support for navigation icons being in a single directory C:/Talks/Icons/
whereas talks are in directories such as C:/Talks/1998/MyTalk/ (uses
relative links starting by /Talks/Icons/ instead of ../Icons/ when applicable)
Same fix for C:/Talks/Tools/
2 fixes above are especially useful for W3C AFS space
added Slideme information for easy slides creation
1998 June 1: version 3.1
doctype HTML 4.0 transitional added on the slides (validation needed)
previous and next slide buttons bear a title
slides are numbered
1998 June 12: version 4.0 by Pierre Fillault
main program is commented
generate multiple table of contents (TOC) corresponding to the different
style sheets
keep the main TOC without number so the server can pick it up with a request
all the links contain extension (.html or .gif) so the presentation can
be given from anywhere (web server is not needed - but this defeats content
white background style sheets have been added and fixed (better for projection)