[xml] using large binary chunks / binary XML?

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From: Timothee Besset (timo@qeradiant.com)
Date: Fri Dec 15 2000 - 15:11:42 EST

I'm looking for a solution to handle binary objects in an easy to
manipulate file format. I like the chunk-based approach of XML and would
want something similar.

To give an idea, I would like to do something similar to tar archives, but
benefit from the XML API (doing SAX parsing for streaming applications for
example). (and also benefit from all the processing tools that rely on XML)

I know that it is possible to include binary data into an XML file by
encoding it like it's done for mail attachements. But I want to avoid the
overhead of having to convert back and forth to getter best performances.

I also know that libxml supports gzipped streams, so my natural idea would
be to extend this mechanism and be able to store the binary objects "as-is"
in the "binary" XML file.

Maybe there are projects that I don't know of which provide this binary-XML
feature already (under LGPL licensing preferably). Or maybe you don't think
this is the right way to go, or even you'd like to give me a few hints on
how to proceed..



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