[xml] Whitespace rears its ugly head again

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From: Harry Blundell (harry@halcyoninc.com)
Date: Mon Dec 04 2000 - 15:06:28 EST

Hi folks,

I just upgraded from 2.2.6 to 2.2.10, and now when I read in and save an
XML document, I get back a document where the XML is all on one line.
Previously, it had some newlines in there, which was more readable.

I found a dialog between Matthew Kellett and Daniel in the archive, where
it was decided that the xmlDocDumpMemory function should no longer add
newlines when dumping a document into a buffer, for 2.2.8. I suspect
that this is what has changed.

Using whitespace in my input document and trying to preserve it with the
xmlKeepBlanksDefault function doesn't help because none of my elements
have mixed content, so the areBlanks function always returns 1.

Is there a way to format the output XML in the current version?


Harry Blundell Halcyon Inc. URL: http://www.HalcyonInc.com
2300 Yonge St., Suite 1801, Box 2419, Toronto ON M4P 1E4, Canada.
PHONE: 416-932-4631 FAX: 416-932-4711 EMAIL: harry@HalcyonInc.com

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