[xml] validating and xmlExternalEntityLoader's arguments

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From: Michael Mealling (michael@bailey.dscga.com)
Date: Sun Dec 03 2000 - 18:20:06 EST

  I'm building a client application that will receive XML back from
several different servers which may decide to put different values in
thier SYSTEM identifier in their DOCTYPE. After poking around
trying to find an example of validatinog as you parsed (i.e.
xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue = 1) it became obvious that
default behavior was to access whatever was in the SYSTEM ID regardless
of what the PUBLIC ID was. So I decided to write an ExternalEntityLoader.
Not finding an example of one I looked at the default one in xmlIO.c.
Its header looks like this:

 * xmlDefaultExternalEntityLoader:
 * @URL: the URL for the entity to load
 * @ID: the System ID for the entity to load
 * @ctxt: the context in which the entity is called or NULL

Is this correct? Does the external entity loader not get the PUBLIC
identifier? If so, how do I know what entity I'm being asked to resolve
if I don't trust the SYSTEM ID?


Michael Mealling	|      Vote Libertarian!       | www.rwhois.net/michael
Sr. Research Engineer   |   www.ga.lp.org/gwinnett     | ICQ#:         14198821
Network Solutions	|          www.lp.org          |  michaelm@netsol.com
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