[xml] First message: text nodes

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From: Rafael Peregrino (rafael.peregrino@innominate.com)
Date: Wed Nov 29 2000 - 06:07:56 EST


This is my first message to this list. I'm a beginner on programming
with libxml and I'm having some problems with a xml-parser I'm writing.
I'm using the libxml version 2.2.2 on a Debian woody (instable)
GNU/Linux distribution and my code is by now entirely based on the
example parser that comes with the library (gjobread.c). Frankly, I'm
just really changing the names of the variables and the tag names that
must be parsed. The xml file I'm parsing has also a slightly different
structure when compared to the gjobs.xml. Furthermore I have thrown the
name spaces code away. Of course, my structures (to them I'm copying the
elements of the tree) are different of the ones of the gJobs example. My
problem is that between the xml nodes a "text" node always appears and
this doesn't happen with the original code (i.e., with the gJobs
example). I've already read the available documentation, but it remains
unclear to me how to change this behaviour. Besides I can't really see
any logical difference between my code and the example's code, though of
course they do exist. I'm compilig the code with

        gcc -Wall -g simple_parser.c -o simple_parser -lxml

What the hell am I overlooking? Are there any defines that must be made
in order to turn this behavior on and off? Can you please help me?
Thanks a lot in advance!

Best regards,

Rafael (8-)

software engineer                                        innominate AG
server appliances                                 the linux architects
tel: +49.30.308806-81  fax: -77              http://www.innominate.com
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