Re: [xml] Memory lacks using XMLLIB under MPE OS

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From: Daniel Veillard (
Date: Thu Oct 12 2000 - 04:41:41 EDT

  Hi Grasso,

On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 10:23:22AM +0200, Grasso Massimiliano wrote:
> We're trying to use the XML library under the OS MPE 5.5 of HP 3K
> calculators. To compile the sources we had to write some system routines (),
> non existent under MPE.

  Hum, send the patches, If I need to define an level of abstraction
from the OS this may help (like getting WIN CE patches).

> In our applicaton we have a loop and for each iteration we perform a parsing
> and a validation of a very simple XML syntax. In lines below there is a
> little sample of the source that we have written:
  The code seems to indicate that your don't modify the doc tree with
memory allocated outside libxml so the debugging approach given below
seems doable.

> When we checked the memory allocated for the process we discovered that it
> was increasing at each iteration. Perhaps our problem is in the use of
> deallocation routines? Do someone use in the same way the library under
> other OS without problems? In the latest case probably the problem could be
> either in our porting or in the OS itself.
> Thank a lot for help, sorry for English...

  Hum, the best is to enable libxml memory debug, and call xmlMemoryDump();
before exit (like I do in xmllint.c) . If the memory debug is turned on,
all memory blocks allocated by libxml and not freed by libxml will be
saved in a .memdump file. This may help a lot finding where the problem
lies. All my regression checks are done with this enabled and check that
there is 0 memory left allocated at the end of the execution, but depending
on the combination of calls I may have forgot something.
  To enable the memory tracing, enable DEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION in xmlversion.h
and compile xmlmemory.c in, the simplest is to configure with --with-mem-debug


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