Re: [xml] prerelease of 2.2.5

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From: Wayne Davison (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 15:20:10 EDT

On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, Daniel Veillard wrote:
> Please check it out if you're using Windows or XPath, i probably
> won't be able to make a real release before next Wed, and won't
> answer mail in the meantime. Send patches !

Here's what I found wrong and (in most cases) fixed:

 + Several .c files were including "xmlversion.h" rather than

 + There is an undefined call to xmlXPathFreeLocationSet() in xpath.c.
   This might be because xpointer.[ch] are not in the tar file, but I
   just #if-0-ed the call out of the source for now.

 + The was still trying to create libxml, even with the
   include/libxml dir existing. I changed this so that the Makefile
   looks for include/libxml, and creates "include" as a dir and puts
   the libxml symlink into the include dir if it is missing.

 + Changed to create "include" as a directory with the
   "libxml" symlink inside it. It looks like the code that was supposed
   to create these items inside the build dir (when it differs from the
   src dir) was broken, and I think I fixed it (though I didn't try to
   configure things from an separate build dir).

 + Removed include/libxml/, as it is not needed.

 + The LIBXML_VERSION defines in are duplicates of
   defines in xmlversion.h, so I removed them. This makes the file
   have no @...@ expansions, so I just renamed the *.in version to be
   the .h version and removed it from the file.

 + The win32include.h file should not be in the include/libxml dir
   (since it doesn't get installed). I moved it into the include dir.

 + Changed all the .h dependencies (or it wouldn't compile).

 + Added the file win32/Makefile.mingw, which is a simplified Makefile
   that builds the library, a DLL, and the tools using the mingw gcc

 + I tweaked the win32/README.MSDev to remove all mention of copying
   .h files and commenting out the LIBXML_VERSION* defines, added a
   comment that the diff is out of date now, and mention the build
   instructions for using the "mingw" gcc compiler.

 + I changed the include/libxml/libxmlversion.h file that was included
   in the tar file so that LIBXML_ICONV_ENABLED is not defined. I like
   the fact that this file is there, as it means that MSWin developers
   can have an easier file to tweak (and it works without change after my
   fix if you're using the mingw compiler), and it gets replaced by the
   normal configuration process for other folks.

A patch is appended. To summarize what to do after the patch:

    # After running "patch -p0 <wayne.patch"
    rm include/libxml/
    mv include/libxml/ include/win32config.h


 + Remove #if-0 from xpath.c and solve build problem.

 + Figure out why example/ doesn't exist (this is a
   long-standing problem with libxml, but it just seems to cause
   configure to complain).


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