[xml] Adding implied P tags?

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From: Wayne Davison (wayned@blorf.net)
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 23:56:33 EDT

I ran the following HTML page through "testHTML --sax" to see how well
the inferred tags were doing:

  <title>This is a test!</title>
  Start of the body (hopefully).
  <hr size=1 noshade width="50%">
  This is a new paragraph.
  A new line.

I noticed that the "Start ..." text was placed inside the inferred
HEAD section (with the inferred BODY section starting with the HR
tag). If I manually add a P tag before the word "Start", the HEAD &
BODY tags gets put into the right place, an inferred close-P tag gets
put in front of the HR tag, but no new P tag gets opened up after the
<HR> (prior to the word "This").

So, is the plan to put implied P tags into the document? Or leave them
out? If they're going in, that should neatly solve the HEAD/BODY
boundary problem (since the implied tag would naturally cause the start
of the BODY section to occur). If they're not going in, we'll want to
have the character-string code check to ensure that it is at least in
the body already (when it is not inside a HEAD-compatible container


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