Re: [xml] Saving without tree

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From: Daniel Veillard (
Date: Fri May 26 2000 - 14:43:25 EDT

On Fri, May 26, 2000 at 02:31:04PM -0400, Adrian Feiguin wrote:
> Is there a way to save the file without building a tree? Suppouse that my
> file is huge, because it contains a lot of data (the same reason for using
> the SAX interfase). Building a tree will consume a lot of memory. Instead
> of that, I am using fprints's. OK, it may sound dumb, but it works
> simply great, I even manage to keep the indentation.
> Tha only problem are the special characters '>' '<'.
> 1) Is there a better way?

  I don't know any better way if you don't have an XML tree built in memory

> 2) Are ther more spacial characters that these two?

  yes '&' => &amp;
  you should also be extremely cautious about any char out of the ASCII
range, they are expect to be encoded in UTF-8 by default, or using
character references like &#x81;
  Internationalization is hard, so I suggest you stick with character
references if you really don't understand fully what exorting an XML
file in given encoding means

> 3) Suggestions?

  Read more about XML :-\
  books ...


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