[xml] Progressive parsing

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From: Michael Day (mikeday@corplink.com.au)
Date: Sat Jul 17 1999 - 08:27:14 EDT


Does libxml provide any support for progressive parsing, or will it in the
near future? I believe this issue has arisen before, but I am unsure of
its current status. What I am looking for is the capability to stream in
XML from a socket or other "slow" medium, hand each chunk to libxml as
they come in, and receive SAX callbacks as the data is parsed. Currently
the entrypoints appear to require an entire document to parse at once, and
the only C or C++ library I can find with this kind of functionality is
expat, which is awkward for other reasons. I'm assuming others would also
desire such a feature, would it be unwise to begin using libxml on the
assumption of progressive parsing being implemented over the next few

Thank you,


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