- Ease packages discovery
- Simplify download
- Check dependancies
- Autoupgrade
- Database of indexed packages
- Metadata exported as HTML and RDF
- Web interface
- Client tool to automate lookup
- Basic autoupgrade
- Rpmfind.net server
- Rpm2html scan to build a cross index
- Exported as HTML and RDF
- rpmfind tool
- XML parser
- HTTP + FTP client code
- Lookup the local base
- Fetches metadata to find/select packages
- Mirroring of RDF
- Regenerates HTML pages mirrors
- Local metadata mirrors
- rpmfind.net indexes approx 60000 packages
- 6 millions HTTP hits/months
- 2 MByte/s downloads
- dozen of mirrors
- Improve the dependencies checking
- Switch to a database based setup
- Improve the autoupgrade mode
- Augment the distribution/mirrors/people metadata
- Scalability
- Remove dependancy on central point of failure
- Switch to the next metadata generation