- Maintainability
- Portability
- Security
- Reuse
- open format
- dependency
- file conflicts
- checksuming
- signatures
- multi-platform
- source/binary
- remote access
- autoupgrade
State of the art
- tar like packages
- pkg (Solaris, DU)
- ports (BSD)
- debs (Debian)
- Next
Need for unification
Unification on Linux
- extract core functions from DEB and RPM
- use an XML based format
- allow specific extensions
- write down the specification
=>Submit it to LSB
Current status
- The set of core features have been extracted
- The principle of the Markup are clear
- RedHat/Debian/... individuals have accepted it
- Finish the design
- Get early implementations
- Submit it to LSB
- Deployment (support in DEB/RPM)
- Metadata databases
- Distributions
- Mirrors
- Contributors (signing keys)
- Lookup tools
- Certification mechanism
- Automated upgrade