The groups has been splitted in multiple working groups last September
An XML Coordination Group coordinates the various XML activities
Groups also explicitely provide Liaison Statements to express dependancies.
The collection of all the members of the XML groups are the Plenary Group
Some groups are not chartered within the XML activity but are strongly tied to
Some groups are finishing the work started during the initial working group:
Schema, Linking, Infoset.
Some groups have been scheduled to handle new topics: Fragment, DOM, XSL
Some new working groups are to be created: Packaging and Query
Dsign an alternative mechanism to DTDs
Provide a type system for XML content
Xpointer: adressing mechanism for subparts of XML documents
XLink: extended hypertext link mechanisms more elaborate than the simple HTML
Describe the data model for XML documents
=> canonical XML
Descriptions II
extract a subpart of an XML document and associate metadata for independant
=> signature for the fragment or the original
document could be added
Document object model, set of API for navigating in document and modify them
Transformation language
=> useful for client side processing
Stylesheet properties
New groups
how to package an XML document with the associated data, like stylesheet, dtd,
external entities ...
=> adding signature for the package and individual
files within it
XML Query:
normalization of interfaces for querying and searching XML documents
XML revision:
only minor revision expected in the short term
Forwarded from Tim Bray:
Are people from the Signed XML workshop are interested in signing "bits on the
wire" or a precomputed signature done on a canonalization form ?
One of the biggest troubles of the canonalisation process is about normalizing
combining characters. It is extremely resource consuming, but this step may be
required for a 100% unique canonical form. Do people care about this level in