Jigsaw server
Object oriented server
Ressources based
Almost complete implementation of HTTP/1.1
Proxy-cache implementation
Key implementation points
Written in Java (portability, multi-threaded)
Any exported ressource is a Java persistent object
Resources can be shared by multiple protocols
Uses as a testbed
Available for two years
Modular design suitable for extensions
Available freely under the W3C licence
Distributed authoring tool developped by and for W3C staff
Uses PUT HTTP method for publication
Uses CVS freeware for versionning
Code is available with Jigsaw
In wide use within W3C
Extention of Amaya with a Java JVM
Uses Jigsaw client HTTP implementation
Jigsaw provides caching on the client side
Uses Kaffe JVM
Used for a DOM implementation within Amaya
PICS Label Bureau
Repository for content metadata
Database accesses for labels
Auto descritpion or auto lookup of labels on accesses
ICP implementation
Inter cache protocol implementation
Support for multicast requests
Hierarchy of caches
Automatic dispatching of requests
Used at W3C for caching and better use of leased line
HTTP-NG Testbed
Use of Jigsaw in the PDG of the W3C HTTP-NG project
Use the MUX implementation available in Jigsaw
Support of multiple protocols
Object oriented design
Mature code and design
Base for advanced tools in use within W3C
Good testbed for protocols and enhanced servers
Use it !