The 80-20% rule
- XML 1.0 validation PM is clear.
- Most users are fine with it, it is useful
- Some users need more specialized processing
- XSLT/XInclude shows similar pattern
A canonical Processing Model will help, wont fit 20% of the users
Defining the pipeline
No Application Programming Interface, please !
- expensive to define
- not flexible
- portability problems anyway
Data Centric Interface:
- Infoset is our data mode
- Schemas XInclude
- Not sufficient
Infoset Processing Module
- Requirements based on Infoset Core
- How is Core Infoset processed
- What extensions are recognized how they are processed
- How unrecognized elements are processed
=> Infoset Processing Module pipeline
- try to define a canonical pipeline
- define modules based on Infoset transformation
- Must stay a guideline, not a conformance requirement
KISS and do it quickly !!!